
Home of Johnny Truesdell – The River Adventure Guy


Operation Night Recon – A Boldt Castle Snowshoeing Adventure [Original Video]

This past Friday night my buddy Doug “AKA Rockstar” asked if I wanted to snowshoe around the castle around 7pm ish. He also invited our friend Brian “AKA Woody”. Despite it being 0 degrees and below that day I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Even for us locals this is a rare opportunity as the ice rarely freezes on the channel side of the castle. As a matter of fact none of us have ever done this or even know anyone who has.

So crank your stereo and enjoy the video.. it’s a little shorter than I would have liked, but my camera batteries were not happy with the extreme cold. Still, there are some great shots..


And one last thing.. this is defintely a do not try this yourself type of deal.. we are all very experienced with the river and Doug had been out there many times in the days prior snowshoeing and measuring ice depths during the day. We crossed the river on the Wellesley Island side to the Castle and we felt more than safe doing so or we not have been out there. That being said, there is always risk, the ice and water beneath can be a killer, please don’t think you should take your kids out there because you saw our video. This isn’t a trip to the nature center.. 🙂

For more photos see our Album on Facebook..


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