
Home of Johnny Truesdell – The River Adventure Guy


Ice Auger Drilling Contest (Pictures & Video)

Here are pictures and video from the Auger Racing Event on Sat Feb 21st 2009.

Follow the link below for more video..

In case anyone is wondering the ice measured 17 to 22 inches thick.

One more thing, for the people complaining about me not posting the exact times and the names of all the contestants then too bad. I’m not the god damn newspaper. This is a blog and I tell my stories the way I feel like telling them, with pictures and video. Besides, I got the impression “buster” might not want his real name on here, Ralphy hates me, and Abay Paparazzi is ashamed of himself so deal with what I put on the site or don’t deal it. As for the exact times watch the time in the video for christ sake plus really who gives a shit.

Click for more information on the 2009 Polar Bear Dip ! 

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