
Home of Johnny Truesdell – The River Adventure Guy


Light Em Up – Alex Bay’s Crazy Lightning Storm [Original Video]

Last night we had a crazy lightning/rain storm here in Abay..

Seeing a great opportunity to get some lightning footage I ran out of the house A.S.A.P… turned out I got enough to make a new original video for you guys..

At one point there was a loud blast and all the lights downtown went out.. unfortunately I didn’t get that on camera.. it was wild.. you could even feel it..  transformer arcing on county route with wires and trees down was the cause.. so I am told..




If anyone is wondering we also had a nice storm the night before (tues). The storm in the video (wed night) appeared to come from the direction of Canada.. right over Friendly Island.. right over the Bay.. and then down the river and towards Hammond..

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