
Home of Johnny Truesdell – The River Adventure Guy


Boldt Castle Winter Wonderland [Original Video]

I wanted to do a special holiday video for you guys and decided last week it was going to involve the castle. I waited and waited until the right moment came along and finally got what I was looking for yesterday. I think the end result is pretty spectacular.. So, turn on your sound, hit play, and enjoy.

And below is a link to a no commentary version if you would rather watch it that way..

If you enjoyed this and would like to help fund more productions like it Johnny does have a TIP JAR.. 🙂

Another way to show your love is to just leave a comment and/or share this video with your friends.. there are sharing options built right into this page.. just click the Share Options button..

Lasty, I am going to start selling some of my prints soon on johnnytruesdell.com very soon. I have the site online, but nothing on it for sale just yet. Check back though as I will get some things on there ASAP. If interested in a print send me an email at abaynews@gmail.com and let me know what you are after and I can give you some options..

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