
Home of Johnny Truesdell – The River Adventure Guy


Abay.com Classics – Exploration of Devil’s Oven [Video]

Here are some abaynews.com classics resurrected from the video vault..

The Exploration of Devil’s Oven and The Return To Devil’s Oven..

I was recently asked about these so today seemed as good a day as any to get them back online.. Both are pretty poor video productions from 2007 (downright embarrassing actually) so take them for what they are.. I wasn’t a video production guru back then..

FROM 2007

During the Patriot Wars of 1838 a man named Bill Johnston (often referred to as a pirate) spent time hiding in a little cave called Devils Oven. Many stories exist regarding how big the cave really is. The water is really low right now so I decided to do a little investigating and take along the video camera.

Now there are a lot of stories about all of this. Some say he was in this cave for a whole year, some say just 3 days. The link below contains the oldest bit of information I could find and I imagine it is probably one of the more accurate versions of the story. Go to the link below and read what it has to say.


I was also warned about large black water snakes in the cave, but that didn’t scare off old Johnny.

Anyway, after that 1st video I got a lot of requests to go back for a more thorough look around so we revisited Bill Johnston’s Hideout a month later and this time we were prepared.

Here is what we found out. The cave goes back at least 62 feet from the opening. Our guest cave explorer was able to crawl back 42 of those feet. The Island is around 160 feet long. There was a 8 inch high opening back in there with a ton of sand in it. John Pitts managed to put the measuring tape 20 feet into that hole. He thinks tape stayed straight. He also says that he believes a person could go back even farther if all of that sand was dug out as the bottom of the opening was essentially sand that John was on top of.

Lasty.. one guy claimed he saw a ghostly image in the video..

Comments by ”tricky” from United States on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 at 10:11:51 PM

at 2:47 in this video there is a stain or impression that looks like a face you can see it again at 2:53 realy well in the center of the picture.very cool chris this is some of the best stuff on here (your adventures)very cool

Now, I am not sure I see anything all that exciting but if any of you are bored take a look for yourselves..

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