
Home of Johnny Truesdell – The River Adventure Guy


Shoal Sisters – Guarding Unmarked Shoals of The St. Lawrence River

Photo by Marta’s Photo Shop

Shoal Sisters – Guarding Unmarked Shoals of The St. Lawrence River
(an article by Tad Kring)

God Bless The St. Lawrence River (Or as most of the locals say…The River)

I say and most of my friends, family and fellow “River Rats” would say, God Bless anyone who has seen The River….Seen the river, dipped their toe in the river, drove over the St. Lawrence Bridge, toured Boldt Castle, fished in the river, Captained a Ship on the river, dove in the river, raced on the river, paddled down the river, paddled up the river or most exciting of all…..woke up on the river.  God Bless You!  

For many years, in an effort to make the river safer and protect those who visit our little part of paradise, The Thousand Islands Association in Canada and Save the River in The United States have been placing hundreds of shoal markers on shoals so that the folks that may not know the river can avoid damaging their vessel or possibly injureing the people they want to share the river with.


The cost of providing this service has increased in recent years while membership and donations have fallen.  Now, while I’m not a “Tree Hugger” or a person who thinks they can change man and nature, I do believe this is an important part of our navigation system on the river.

The Thousand Islands Association has started a program called Shoal Sisters and are looking for your support.  They have been asking for photos that call attention to their cause and attached is an illustration of one photo that you may see in future promotions.  It was taken by Marta Beach from Marta’s Photo Shop and depicts Shoal Sisters (Catherine Kring and Brenda Houde) guarding unmarked shoals of the St. Lawrence River to protect those who travel in the light of day or the dark of night.

Please remember, enjoy the river to the fullest while respecting it and those who share it with you.  And…God Bless The River

(article by Tad Kring)

Photo above by Marta’s Photo Shop (Contact to purchase the photo print above)
26256 Limestone Rd Redwood, New York 13679
Phone (315) 482-6150
Website https://www.martasphotoshop.com

Help support the cause in general here..

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