
Home of Johnny Truesdell – The River Adventure Guy


R.I.P. Paul Wibbe AKA Captain – You Shall Be Missed !

It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to Captain today.. his heart went out on him and is no longer with us.. I believe he was 68..

He was a great friend to myself and many others, was always there to help out anyone who needed it.. etc etc

I will put up more information regarding services and a get-together as I get the info.. I’ll work up a tribute video.. too..

In the meantime use this page to say goodbye and to tell stories about him.. 🙂

I’m headed to Skiffs because I see they are down there right now raising some glasses for him.. I’m gonna wear a red bandana in his honor too..

UPDATE: I have been told that Captain wanted no calling hours and no funeral.. word is.. there will be a celebration of life next tuesday (24th) around 3 pm at skiffs..

UPDATE: Official obituary is online..

Ready, Aim, Fire.. 100’s Gather To Honor Their Captain

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