
Home of Johnny Truesdell – The River Adventure Guy


Devil’s Oven – Now Off Limits – Jumpers Beware [Photos]

Devil’s Oven.. famous hiding spot of Pirate Bill Johnston…

We’ve jumped off it into the River for years.. our parents and grandparents did the same.. but as of a month or so ago those days are over..

It’s now posted with “No Trespassing” signs and anything you could have tied your boat up to has been removed..

BOO.. good thing abaynews.com explored the cave while we still could 🙂

Photo sent in by John S. with the following comment..

Here you can see the poles have been cut off and the tree that people tied off to is gone. There are two “no trespassing violates will be prosecuted” signs visible here but I think there is about 5 on the island. Any idea who owns this island. We always thought the state did.

I responded that I always heard it was privately owned and they probably took these actions because everyone is so “sue happy” in this new world we live in.. and that well, it just sucks regardless..

It truly was one of the best things you could take the kids to go do around here..

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