Snowflake Sequence – Episode 1 – Freezing Bubbles [Video]
Introducing Amy.. a Florida transplant..
“Snowflake Sequence” is a series of videos documenting her winter experiences here in Northern New York..
On this night we tried blowing bubbles outside The Dockside to see if we could get them to freeze.. yes, our lives are pretty exciting..
We found out that -10 F or so was not really cold enough to freeze the bubbles.. they became like cellophane and then fell to the ground.. our DIY mixture of soap water from materials we borrowed from the Dockside was probably a factor as well.. too much soap possibly.. not sure.. 🙂
We also tried throwing some hot water from the coffee machine in the air to see if it would turn to snow.. our water wasn’t hot enough or it wasn’t cold enough for that to work either.. we suck..